Who is the meanest bastard "celebrity" you know of?
Remember baldrick from blackadder,this little man pops up everywhere on tv today,if he isnt
getting hysterical about a piece of crap from anglo saxon,moxy viking or bronze age times such as a sliver of pottery from a bockety 10,000 year old jug,he's
ranting on about some crap bog cleaner called "domestos" in an advert voice over.
are you not rich enough,you little money monopolising bastard baldrick?
can you not give the advert gig to some struggling actor who actually needs the money?
are you a multi-millionaire or a billionaire,dying to get up to number 1 in the sunday times rich list?
do you go home to one of your six houses in surrey and five apartments in the bahamas after unearthing a turd from the roman 3rd century behind hadrian's wall?
this blokes real name or is it a stage name is tony robinson.
would you not f**** off tony and flush yourself away with "domestos"down the crapper out of decent people's lives?